T-A-G in #TAG Dialogue stands for “Thinking about Governance”. It is a program which aims to promote awareness on matters and issues related to the fields of Public Administration and Governance by helping make expert information on the said field/s concise and comprehensible for both scholars and the general public. The Dialogues are filmed and uploaded online contribute to a video collection on various Public Administration and Governance topics that will help challenge governance ideals and realities.
The concept of #TAG’s branding was inspired by the need for an innovative new way of sharing thoughts and ideas on governance issues in the current information age.
Using the “#” (hashtag) to identify with a matter that affects all of us, which is “governance”, was a conscious decision. The # has a symbolic relevance – most especially in social media sites (i.e. Facebook, Twitter, etc.). In this, they “provide a way for the public to express their sentiment/s” – sometimes engaging in discussions that end up trending on- and offline. With that, EROPA hopes for individuals attending #TAG Dialogues (or those watching its videos online) to gain something from it with regard to reflecting on or literally “thinking about governance”. Moreover, it hopes for discussions on governance to gain greater bearing in everyday conversations.
Using the “#” (hashtag) to identify with a matter that affects all of us, which is “governance”, was a conscious decision. The # has a symbolic relevance – most especially in social media sites (i.e. Facebook, Twitter, etc.). In this, they “provide a way for the public to express their sentiment/s” – sometimes engaging in discussions that end up trending on- and offline. With that, EROPA hopes for individuals attending #TAG Dialogues (or those watching its videos online) to gain something from it with regard to reflecting on or literally “thinking about governance”. Moreover, it hopes for discussions on governance to gain greater bearing in everyday conversations.