Nimfa S. Villaroman (Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology)
The study analyzed the performance of the employees in three (3) city local government units (LGUs) in Nueva Ecija in the delivery of basic services using the Strategic Performance Management System (SPMS) framework. Their performance levels on their functions were analyzed from the basic services delivered on health, social welfare, infrastructure, agriculture and environment. The study also dealt with the identification of problems encountered by the employees in the delivery of these services. Primary data were sourced out from the submitted Individual Performance Commitment and Review (IPCR) Form and Office Performance Commitment and Review (OPCR) Form of the employees in the year 2014 and 2015. However, no data were collected from other city LGUs since they were not able to implement the system during those years. Using the descriptive research where documentary analysis and interview were employed in treating the data gathered, the study showed that the employees performance levels were satisfactory to outstanding. These ratings were the results of the measurement of their outputs in three dimensions, namely : quantity, efficiency and timeliness. The study also revealed that employees in the three (3) LGUs have different thrusts and directions in the delivery of services. Employees of LGU A have their strengths on health services, employees of LGU C excelled on social welfare while employees of LGU D got their highest rating on services rendered on environment. However, in using the SPMS as a tool, the study found out that employees still have insufficient understanding of its procedures and how other services could be measured accurately. In view of the findings of the study, it is recommended that continuing immersion of the employees in using the SPMS through re-orientation as to its elements and cycle be conducted by the LGUs to ensure success of its implementation and the establishment of validating scheme that will provide structural mechanism to assure accuracy of the ratings obtained. Future studies involving the performance of employees from the national agencies are also encouraged to be conducted using the SPMS to identify the flaws of the system, if there are any, in order to ensure success of its implementation.
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THEME B: Human Resources and Social Capital for Sustainable DevelopmentEmpowering Governance Stakeholders for Quality Public Service Categories