WELCOME TO THE EROPA EXP DATABASE!You can reach out to your experts and practitioners through this online database.
For more advanced searches, click the "Search" or "See All Records" Button at the bottom right side of the search box. The advanced search filters will appear below the search box. If you are looking for an expert in a specific country, select from the Country drop-down menu. If you are looking for an expert in a specific field of expertise, enter the keyword for a particular field (e.g. public administration, anti-corruption, governance, etc.) Remember to set the country list to "Choose a value..." if you want to search for a particular expert in a field regardless of the country. Once you have found the right expert for consultation/technical assistance, please click on the name of the expert from the list on the right to access their profile and contact them (via contact form). Explore your resultsInstructions: Use the filter(s) below to customize your search results. Use the tool above to perform a new search. Click on a column label to resort the table. Searching for experts... Thank you for waiting. Searches with a large number of results may take longer to load. |