14-19 OCTOBER 2013
GET YOUR PAPER PUBLISHED IN ARPA!The Asian Review of Public Administration (ARPA) will consider manuscripts that draw attention to and/or discuss important developments in public administration/public management with wide international relevance. It is essentially a regional journal, so that some preference will be given to manuscripts focusing on developments of relevance to the Asia-Pacific (EROPA) region. Paper presenters who would like their work to be considered for publication in ARPA may also submit their works to [email protected] by the end of August 2013. Please ensure that your paper follows the writing style and guidelines set forth by the publication’s editorial board. To know more about ARPA, please visit http://www.eropa.org.ph/arpa.html. SIGHTS IN TACHIKAWA CITY, TOKYO, JAPAN |
Please note that all abstracts, papers and presentations should be UPLOADED to the Conference website on or before the said deadlines. Paper presenters must first register and create an account in the Official Conference Website before they can upload submissions.
Submissions made through USB during the conference is not allowed due to security reasons. Participants are free to revise and re-upload their abstracts/papers/presentations in the Conference Website. For more information, please visit www.eropa2013.soumu.go.jp. CALL FOR PAPERS:ENHANCING THE QUALITY OF GOVERNMENT: